Monday, March 24, 2014

house of cards

no connection with
politics or Kevin Spacey
I am dealing with 3d today
instructing hands and feet
to live outside the Director
busily engaged in computing
the opportunity cost
of gathering a pack
of scattered cards
as time slips steadily
down a 3d slope
and yet the hands are moving
gathering, sorting, counting
54 cards, jokers and all
must have the right number
to build a house

Thursday, March 20, 2014

the clamor and the hoarse

sometimes it gets unconvincing
as if the dirt path
solitary from birth to death
doesnt really exist
as if chatter, enough
can explode the fish bowl
teem it with color
or crack it with force
collect all the droplets
that arent tears or rum
and make an ocean
if we look closely
made of pixels
disgorging pearls, all the time
as if time didnt exist
sometimes the skin itches
as it tries to wrap around
the energy of forever
in the accounts of a day
and turn a profit
whatever that means

Friday, March 14, 2014


at a blinking yellow
where fools rush into
ice that slips into
slush that runs from
its annual home
my mood is dark and filled
with a mercy that dare not
speak its name
with sadness in a steel cage
rolling headlong regardless
of red or green