Sunday, December 17, 2017

the texas holdem lifestyle

a regrettable clean by product
of carvers and sanders
without the advantages
of people people
who just pullover
and have their party
stuck in the timeloop
of life
the slow unseasonable progress
of interest in hinges

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

my name is red

One of my favorite books by Orhan Pamuk. He has the most authentic female voice I have ever heard in a man

 “I hear the question upon your lips: What is it to be a colour?

 Colour is the touch of the eye, music to the deaf, a word out of the darkness. Because I’ve listened to souls whispering – like the susurrus of the wind – from book to book and object to object for tens or thousands of years, allow me to say that my touch resembles the touch of angels. Part of me, the serious half, calls out to your vision while the mirthful half sours through the air with your glances. 

I’m so fortunate to be red! I’m fiery. I’m strong. I know men take notice of me and that I cannot be resisted. I do not conceal myself: For me, delicacy manifests itself neither in weakness nor in subtlety, but through determination and will. So, I draw attention to myself. I’m not afraid of other colours, shadows, crowds or even of loneliness. How wonderful it is to cover a surface that awaits me with my own victorious being! Wherever I’m spread, I see eyes shine, passions increase, eyebrows rise and heartbeats quicken. Behold how wonderful it is to live! Behold how wonderful to see. I am everywhere. Life begins with and returns to me. Have faith in what I tell you.” ― Orhan Pamuk, My Name is Red

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

crescent moon

after much consideration
and extensive research
I do believe
the milk of human kindness
goes nicely with coffee and cake
chocolate and raspberry jam
and silence is still barely
understood, learnt or tolerated
before breakfast

Saturday, October 21, 2017

regrets of course

sometimes after school was done
and I was firmly in the center of
the engineering caucus
I had the opportunity to know
two extraordinary women
who studied art history
an artist and inventor
and a critic
to learn two stark perspectives
and acquire the wisdom
of dating archeologists
I should of course
have been studying for
the platinum degree
and by today, I would have

Sunday, October 08, 2017

view from a bridge

Its a diffuse day with ten different directions pulling together and a still blue sky offering no clues. But a day of promise, I can feel it. The traffic worms closer and away, like the day, up and around green shadows of trees. there are cars and cycles everywhere standing alone with no one to ride them. the flowers have all been cut and stuck in plastic foil, they sit around bored, waiting for time to kill. Too many "Go Green" signs, the guilt of this age is quite exhausting and monochrome.

most people are invisible, inside cars, and stations and buses and helmets and seatbelts and phones and iPods and laptops and dreams and crossings and restaurants and friends and lovers and clothes and attitudes and newspapers and cultural stereotypes. some pop alive from time to time beautifully, little glimpses to permit the understanding that life is alive and kicking, even if it has become sporadic and conditional and fearful.

There are two young men dancing on the road, each on the opposite side, the world watches, heads turn, smiles, comments, hurried look-aways, giggles, every instinct of disconnect comes alive. There is very little enjoyment of the dance itself, other than inside the dancers themselves, stages are needed, tickets must be sold, with full page ads, announcement, announcement, there will be dancing here on this date and time, don't be alarmed, you may enjoy, even applaud.

There's a shiny red pickup truck in the parking lot next door, the lot's almost empty, yet the truck has circled it twice trying on first one parking space, then another before finally settling for a fifth. The door opens and an elderly lady in a red dress emerges. How odd. Her husband on the other side is dressed in white, and blue, he clashes with his car woefully. But he does have nice legs. The lady walks out of the parking lot for about a block before she turns to check if he's with her. He's not. He's still fussing with his pickup. She folds her arms and stares grimly at him. He doesn't even check where she went, they've been married a long time.

I understand her feelings perfectly, she figures she can't ditch him just because he makes love to a machine for fifteen minutes, but she can't watch either, it irritates her. She turns away and waits impatiently. The red dress makes more sense now. Give it up lady, the pickup wins this round.

My fever has become a nearly constant companion now, Like a cranky pet. It comes and goes as it pleases, asks for food at odd times, and hates baths. I must get it checked out for any fancy names it might have. Flu, viral, mono, or maybe madhuri's syndrome.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

pulpit of the ubervilles

in stone paper masks
curling rays of sunshine
around the edges of summer
warm bloody hands
such language
to make my fingers burn
my dark angers fade
tolling in the long empty wait
for forever to come
blindness gumming my eyelids
to fierce daylight

Thursday, June 29, 2017


for a world unable to stomach its own reflection for all the various wrong reasons, unable to stomach all the right reasons, nothing new, whats new. for a world filled with such beautiful ethereal smoke sculpture, it is quite frightening to move around in, one cannot destroy a work of art with a sweep of hand, it cannot be that easy. but it is, works of art were once the primal scream against time and hope, are now the commerce of skin and bone, the mundane sweeps of hand become. and when they are create destroy destroy and when we are cause, effect and meaninglessness abruptly clarified and brought to life, except what was is a dream, was a dream, stillness of life acquires a newfold meaning as artifact, time travel, in the edifice of sunlight just so for only so many times, but addictive with each toll, as art always is, literacy capable of exponential illusions in life, causality a slowly sweeping palliative. for life as its own sake, the actions of movement, rest and change with a contrived blindness to the mirror, discarding fades of moments and time with equal misstep chat chat and hope, is the comfort of this age, not wrong, whats wrong. but the immortal craving to have been, fully visible, recorded and archived, just a few minutes ago, it continues to be a pointless feature of non-existence, addiction to the grand theater of I. the test of time lies wildly scattered in the continuous deception of morning light, varnishing the blind seers, and just sort of being there

Saturday, June 24, 2017


one of my favorite bloggers is on tv!

im a total groupie :D!

Monday, May 08, 2017

the whole point of limitless

slowly dragging a squash court, inch by inch, to make with it a swathe of river that turned slowly around, many magic carpetlets airborne and with a few lives left, some minutes before life, trees that blur and change their viewpoints, helpless but for the wanton waste on nothing, building scale alongside, changing wallpapers, when open road and open sky are well documented, and a close open lot is a lot, its not the colors that make the droplets move, its not all the talk talk talk, it is, nor the relentless light that snakes around all little shadow puppets and moves their darkness around, shapes and turns them, there is no looking backwards, but wait we can, to see if it all moved a little, a lot, became rubble with darkness, burst many flowers without warning, the leaves are green again, they exist, look, but no, its raining, pouring over every single last dream, cut sharp and cold, if only eyes wide shut were a teenage boy's most earnest wish come true, sure this too will pass, but what imagined world was it more beautiful, all the angles, shaking like vibrato, wholly unprepared for a little phase shift, now put in the sleepy hollow, a time cake just sweet enough and add coffee, it dulls the great black blur for a few anachrons, so many nightmares before dawn, letting go, hah, timecount is brilliant and nicely punctuated, wide open spaces between slices and guilt, its a magical time to live in, a beautiful day to pause the storm, and turn on a feather, dream along the sparkle of sun and the music between

Sunday, February 26, 2017


trapped in many cocoons
with new ghosts of practice
slowly darkening the limbs
trying to still the flapping feet
ignore the raging roar
of stillness
enjoy a few minutes
of sunshine, and trust
the water people know
everything is a matter of time
everything is a swirl
of the obvious, the unobvious
the salient, the arcane,
the endless, the pointless

Sunday, January 29, 2017

to search perchance to find

of moving, with walking feet
parleying with a beautiful epitaph
of a gorgeous earthquake
to lay some flowers to grow
gather faults and pickaxes to wait
nope, still nothing
take a power nap to wait
reason with odd parodies of time
approximate with the worst
the metal machines
still nothing still waiting
maybe more water
more weather, a soft sighing tune
the sunlights all wrong
maybe cornice with bevel
paintbrush, glue and tap tap
oh that echo so loud
but flowers do not bloom
unwatching now
crunch crunch away
to wander searching
again for the system in the maze
sink into the glass houzz
peacewait for the loud timer
may rain fall sun shine
and flowers bloom

When the Soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.  -  Meister Eckhart