Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Choices must be made

I sing a carefree song today
Just me and my myriad blades
We spin on instinct, we laugh at knaves
Its neck or nothing, free fall away
Tomorrow, you may be mine,
Mine to hold, to love, to guard
With blinded rights, and blinkered sights
Too close to comfort, too young to scar
Too near the edge, to go too far
When it’s me on judgement night
I stand by every choice I made
When for you I must decide
I stand contrite, I stand effaced
I stand afraid


  1. Madhuri! I'm in awe of you!
    Seriously girl.. you need to go public with your poems!

  2. Danks babe... You reellly puff up my ego insufferably :) ... If u have any knowhowitworks (n u shud, coz u write wonderfully 2) ... do temme...
    I just need to compromise more on my principles, principally my laziness :D ...

  3. Consider yourself virtually hugged girlfriend! You're TOO cute!
    Let me scout around. I don't know how the process is there... but here you have a thousand publishers who give decent material a chance.

    There are two more awesome people in my list. One writes mind-boggling science-ficionish sagas and the other poetic prose. Sigh!

    So, its no flattery babe, just plan truth. You extremely good! Don't get wasted... figuratively speaking of course :D

    P.S. Some people are quick to point out flaws. I'm quick to point our a merit. And I can live with myself that way :D

  4. @Mac - Thanks babe!! VHug to you too :)) ... Yeah, I noticed you see the good in people... Its a rare thing and I love it and keep trying to borrow it :)!!

    @Whats in a Name - Thankyouthankyou :)!!! It feels great to have people who like my stuff, especially writers in their own right!!

  5. @What's in a Name - You and Mac and all the raging blogosphere :) ... Did I commit a fox paw :( , wot is the correct terminology :)?
